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  5. Gay Cruising in Tocantins

Gay Cruising in Tocantins, Brazil

Map of Gay Cruising Spots in Tocantins (Brazil) where you can have NSA sex, hookups and dating with unknown boys in public places

If you are gay or heterocurious and want to practice cruising anonymously and respectfully, here you can discover and share the top Gay Cruising Spots in Tocantins. Find the spots closest to you, such as beaches, urban parks, wastelands, forests, as well as public places such as bathrooms and highway rest areas, where you can have NSA sex, hookups and dating with unknown boys.

Below we show a Tocantins cruising map with all cruising areas and spots that shared our gay community. Click on the map markers for details of each spot.

In the tab for each zone you will find a location map with directions to the place: driving, walking, public transport or bike. You can vote the area and leave a comment for the rest of the community guys know your opinion, and if you want people to know you're in the area, do not hesitate to check in.

Latest comments on cruising spots of Tocantins

Saída pra Miracema

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Fala sério

Quadra poliesportiva 110 norte

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Só reportar ao site. Preguiça mesmo dessas gay que inventam lugares

In reply to garotojurassico (Show the comment)

gente isso é mentira. Algum viado colocou esse ponto aqui porque mora na quadra e, preguiçosa, não queria sair pra caçar longe de casa kkkkkkk mas não existe nenhuma pegação nessa quadra.

Quadra 903 Sul

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Já mamei e dei demais nessas ruas. Não vai madrugada a dentro, máximo até umas 23:30 depois não fica ninguém.
Como todo lugar de pegaçao, vale ter atenção!

Banheiros da Rodoviária

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Chego em viagem de trab sábado e fico uma semana alguém afim sou flex 29@

Banheiros da Rodoviária

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

63984365142 passivo

Quadra poliesportiva 110 norte

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

gente isso é mentira. Algum viado colocou esse ponto aqui porque mora na quadra e, preguiçosa, não queria sair pra caçar longe de casa kkkkkkk mas não existe nenhuma pegação nessa quadra.

Praça da árvore e trilha atrás da praça da árvore

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

A pegação rola mais a partir das 17h, mas às vezes caras vão lá à tarde, de manhã... A pegação acontece na pista de cooper de trás e nas trilhas da mata que podem ser acessadas pela pista.


Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Pessoal, Serreal fechou, não existe mais.

Parque Cesamar

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Pessoal, não existe pegação nessas trilhas.

Locations to practice Cruising in Tocantins

Tips for practice cruising in Tocantins

Use condom

To avoid sexually transmitted diseases, always use a condom. When finished, remember to collect everything (condom wrappers, tissues, etc.) and leave the environment clean.

Leave your valuables at home

In many cruising areas there are malicious people who take the opportunity to steal valuables. Therefore, when you go to practise cruising, try not to carry money, jewelry, etc., and if possible try to be accompanied.

Education and respect above all else

Not everyone in cruising areas is looking for the same thing as you. If they tell you NO, respect and do not disturb, just as you'd like to be respected.

Don't hook up with minors

Remember that it is totally forbidden to have sex with children under 18. Before you do anything, check that the person you're flirting with is of legal age.

Report the attacks

If at any time while you practice cruising you suffer some form of aggression, intimidation, theft or extortion, report it to the local authorities. Therefore, it is always good to get some information about your cruisingmate: name, description, license plate, etc.


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Top Gay Cruising Spots in Tocantins, Brazil

#1 - Parque Cesamar

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#2 - Praça da árvore e trilha atrás da praça da árvore

Natural area
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#3 - 1201 Sul

Natural area
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#4 - Banheiros da Rodoviária

Transport station
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#5 - Banheiro do Cinema Capim Dourado

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#6 - Quadra poliesportiva 110 norte

Sports area
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#7 - Estação Krahô

Natural area
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#8 - Parque Cimba

Araguaína, Tocantins, Brazil

#9 - Serreal

Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#10 - UFT Cimba

Araguaína, Tocantins, Brazil

#11 - Banheiro praia da graciosa

Natural area
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

#12 - Posto Minas Petro

Rest area
Colinas do Tocantins, Tocantins, Brazil

#13 - Depósito abandonado

Araguaína, Tocantins, Brazil

#14 - Banheiro do Mercado

Shopping area
Araguaína, Tocantins, Brazil

#15 - Quadra 903 Sul

Industrial Park
Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

If you know any other places or spots where Cruising can be practised in Tocantins, you can add them to the map and share them with the rest of gay people through this link: Add a new cruising spot in Tocantins, Brazil

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