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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Pikieta w Wielka Brytania
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  5. Pikieta w Northern Ireland
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  7. Pikieta w Belfast
  8. »
  9. Holywood Arches Toilets

Holywood Arches Toilets


  • Godziny: Cały dzień
  • Natężenie: Wysoka
  • Prywatność: Wysoka

This public loo is more used for cruising than actual toilet-going. Mutual wanks at the urinals are frequent or more private fun in the cubicles. Open 9 until about 4 Monday to Saturday, building is beside a car park but secluded enough so people don’t notice who is coming and going. Just go on in and there’ll either be someone there already or it’ll only be a matter of moments until there is. Fun when a few people there at once!

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Inne pobliskie strefy

Connswater Shopping Centre toilets

Strefa handlowa
Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wielka Brytania
0.4 km

Great Victoria Street Train Station

Stacja transportowa
Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wielka Brytania
3.1 km


Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wielka Brytania
3.3 km

Barnetts Demesne

Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wielka Brytania
6.6 km

Cavehill Country Park

Obszar naturalny
Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wielka Brytania
7.4 km

Lady Dixon

Obszar naturalny
Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wielka Brytania
9.0 km
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