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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Cruisen in Noorwegen
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  5. Cruisen in Hedmark
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  7. Cruisen in Elverum
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  9. Hwy 25 before Circle K coming from Elverum

Hwy 25 before Circle K coming from Elverum


  • Dienstregeling: De hele dag
  • Toeloop: Laag
  • Privacy: Hoog

This is a spot with vehicle access on Hwy 25 before Circle K. After leaving Elverum, continue towards Trysil. There are two vehicle spots across from one another. The one on the left has good access to the forest, and in summer people often use it to walk naked through the forest.

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Anyone going to be around here today?


I am available to meet here on Mondays and Fridays daytime until the entrance is blocked by snow;)


I plan on going there today


I was here today for quite a while...I was fully naked in my car masturbating so cars driving by could see me...unlucky for me no one stopped and turned around! White Peugot Partner...stop if you see me here...guaranteed sex;)


I might go by here today...White Peugot Partner...stop and come in for a blow job;)


I am heading here in about an hour...red hair, black tiny panties, knee high socks, tight rainbow mini skirt...White Peugot Partner...I'll be up in the forest not far from my car making vids, taking pics and masturbating;)


I am going here tomorrow (Monday), and I will be wearing tiny panties, knee high socks and a bra top walking up in the forest and masturbating...if you see my White Peugot Partner stop and come in for a blow job or mutual masturbation!


I was here today...masturbating in public while people drove by and could see me...was hoping a fella would show up...no luck! If you see my White Peugot Partner stop and drive in for a blow job! xo

Andere cruisenzones in de buurt

Parkeringen bakom DPS'en

Elverum, Hedmark, Noorwegen
5.9 km
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