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  9. Hanna Hall 2nd Floor Restroom

Hanna Hall 2nd Floor Restroom


  • Dienstregeling: Ochtend
  • Toeloop: Laag
  • Privacy: Laag

The 2nd floor restroom is used as a pick up scene. You will need to use foot tapping for the two stalls. Traffic is not very heavy out of the school year, bird picks up during the school year. You must use caution come as you are on University grounds patrolled by University Police.

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I had noticed that lots of guys try to see if the restroom light is on. This is not an indicator at all that anybody is or is not in the restroom. It is probably best to walk into the building and into the dark restroom to see if a person is in there sitting. Do not wait in your car. This impedes the flow of traffic in and out of the Tearoom / restroom.

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