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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Cruisen in Bulgarije
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  5. Cruisen in Grad Sofiya
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  7. Cruisen in Sofia
  8. »
  9. Business park Sofia building 3 and 10

Business park Sofia building 3 and 10


  • Dienstregeling: De hele dag
  • Toeloop: Gemiddeld
  • Privacy: Gemiddeld

At the business park Sofia you can catch quite the gays.

Building 3 foayer toilets has some guys cruising. You can get to cruise the on their lunch break.

Same goes for the toilets in building 10 (not one used from the pasta place).

Both of them have stalls when you can lock yourselves in and enjoy all the way cruising without being interrupted.

Also if no cruising guys you can set up a meeting there in private. Park is open to the public 8am to 8pm.

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