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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Battuage a Australia
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  5. Battuage a New South Wales
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  7. Battuage a Sutherland
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  9. Royal National Carpark (Farnell ave turn off)

Royal National Carpark (Farnell ave turn off)

Paesaggio naturale

  • Orario: Pomeriggio
  • Afflusso: Media
  • Intimità: Alta

Generally quite carpark around the Royal National Park that is deserted around the afternoons apart from guys looking for some fun. You will usually come across runners, walkers and bikers coming through this most of them will be keen for fun if you know what to do. If you are not interested in car fun, just follow the train track across the carpark and take it to the bushes or the train railway platform (Warning these trains operate every hour but ONLY on sunday).

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Ill be crusing down here in the morning if anyone wants to jerk off in the bush with me

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