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  9. Rawlings trail, Stanley Park

Rawlings trail, Stanley Park


  • Orario: Tutto il giorno
  • Afflusso: Alta
  • Intimità: Media

There are two very cruisey areas in Stanley Park. The first one is the wooded area to your right as you enter the park along Rawlings Trail just past lost lagoon. You'll pass a cement bridge then cross north lagoon drive to enter. This section is the busiest section in the park, people cruise all year round here, but the visibility does get increased yearly by the parks board. The second area is just past the first section, commonly known as the 'upper section', this is Lee's trail.

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I'll be there this sunday afternoon


Estare en stanley park este domingo en la tarde

Altre zone vicine

Bridgman Park

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
8.4 km


Zona commerciale
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
9.1 km
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