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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  5. Battuage a Vanuatu
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  7. Battuage a Port-Vila
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  9. Paradise Point, Port Vila, Vanuatu

Paradise Point, Port Vila, Vanuatu

Paesaggio naturale

  • Orario: Tutto il giorno
  • Afflusso: Media
  • Intimità: Bassa

This is the only cruising spot I got to learn of during my three month stay in Port Vila. It is a small beach on Ifira Point and a short walk from the cruise ship terminal. Only downside is it fronts onto a private residential estate, access is by foot and is regulated by tides.

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I've been down there twice now. Havn't seen anyone there... Maybe just bad luck/timing? Also there are no real places to conceal yourself and would find it hard to imagine booking up there.


Been there and can confirm this is about the only cruising spot for gays, and sometimes also swingers, in Port Vila. It is getting quite popular with cruise ship tourists. TIP: Don't walk around the corner of the beach - there is a nice beach in front of the only house without a front wall just

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