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  1. Gays-Cruising
  2. »
  3. Battuage a Grecia
  4. »
  5. Battuage a Kavala
  6. »
  7. Battuage a Kavála
  8. »


Zona commerciale

  • Orario: Pomeriggio
  • Afflusso: Bassa
  • Intimità: Media

Δημόσιες τουαλέτες Δημοτικής Αγοράς κοντά στο ΔΕΥΑΚ στα Κινέζικα μαγαζιά δίπλα!
You can easily see each-others dicks from the urinals, or from the stall if someone is "taking a piss" with the door opened, he's probably jerking off and he'll sneak at the urinals and wink at you, just bite your lips, grab your crotch, and action goes on!

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There's a guard with black clothes that stands outside the urinals and calls the cops!!! A few cruisers were arrested. I was just warned and was banned to be there, or else he would call the cops to arrest me. So, my advise is, to IMMEDIATELY remove this spot as a cruising spot. Many guys in all ages were warned or even arrested!

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