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  9. Bailu Park

Bailu Park

Paesaggio naturale

  • Orario: Notte
  • Afflusso: Alta
  • Intimità: Alta

Over the first bridge and across to the next bridge after you cross go to the right and follow the path, then you can go into the bushes to the left when the path you're on meets the other path.

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The location under map pin isn’t available anymore. Now, it’s fenced area of a hotel. But the Bailu park itself (the green area on the left) is a fun place to visit. The cruising guys are mostly middle-aged locals. Also, be aware of the old guys, like in their 60-70s. They’re so desperate. I had 3 “attacks” in just one day. One jumped into the public bathroom right after me and stood behind my back while I was doing my business.


Another one chose my sunburned calves as a conversation starter to sit next to me on the bench and just devour me with his eyes. But the third one really impressed me the most. I was crossing a little park bridge where he was hanging out, I thought he would drill a hole in me with his eyes. I ignored and passed by. When 5 sec later, I turned my head to look at him, he was standing there with his penis out.


A 70 yo dude. Some might enjoy it. But for me it was too much. During the day, it’s scorching hot, so there are not that many people (only those who came on purpose, perhaps). In the evening, the park is well-lit but you kind of can see faces only when you’re very close to people. So walk slowly, check out the secluded corners. Have fun cruising!

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