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  9. Cleveland Public Library - East 131st Street Branch

Cleveland Public Library - East 131st Street Branch

Paesaggio naturale

  • Orario: Tutto il giorno
  • Afflusso: Media
  • Intimità: Media

There's a few spots behind the library like inside of the gate or behind some bushes or trees. There are other spots but you wouldn't be seen if you know where to go and what you are doing. This is for people who like doing stuff outdoors and like being risky. Though the risk factor is just below a medium. There could be other spots but these are the only spots I know, this works best if the library is closed, if you don't want any risk. The Place is East 131st Street.

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Altre zone vicine

Forest Hill Lower Parking Lot

Cleveland, Ohio, Stati Uniti
3.3 km
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