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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Battuage a Iran
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  5. Battuage a Azarbayjan-e Khavari
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  7. Battuage a Tabriz
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  9. Bahar Hamam and Sauna

Bahar Hamam and Sauna


  • Orario: Tutto il giorno
  • Afflusso: Alta
  • Intimità: Media

Mornings for women. Afternoon starts for men. 100% gay people go there But the owner wont allow anything other than bathing in hamam or sauna. When the owner is not in, you can go with your partner in private showers or the sauna. If the owner or other people catch you on act you can say i was soaping or massaging him or vice versa. It closes at 7 PM because the owner says no one comes after 7 usually. Mostly olders and bears but significant youngs are among them. The most gay going sauna.

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are there cabins where we can lock ourselves and do it with someone? Can they arrest us?


There should be the address

Altre zone vicine

Golestan Park

Tabriz, Azarbayjan-e Khavari, Iran
0.8 km
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