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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Lieux de drague à Etats Unis
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  5. Lieux de drague à Texas
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  7. Lieux de drague à Weatherford
  8. »
  9. Chrome Shop Gas Station

Chrome Shop Gas Station


  • Heures: Nuit
  • Afflux: Basse
  • Intimité: Moyenne

There’s a small shower area with about eight rooms upstairs. You can pay to shower. Act discreet as if traveling and in need a shower. The cost is $10. Those wishing to share their shower leave their door unlocked with a corner of the towel sticking slightly out the bottom of the door. Camera in hallway. Unknown if it works. If you open a door and the occupant is not what you’re looking for, just apologize and shut the door back. Showers are big enough to share. Keep everything in the down-low.

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Autres lieux à proximité

Cartwright Park

Weatherford, Texas, Etats Unis
6.7 km
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