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  9. Zapaden (West) Park on the train tracks

Zapaden (West) Park on the train tracks


  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Media
  • Intimidad: Media

In West Park, parallel to the railway tracks, there is a pedestrian walkway that is surrounded by vegetation.
You walk down the alley and look around for a partner.
Once you've agreed, you can carefully cross the tracks. On the other side near the fence there is enough vegetation and a disused railway line - there you can have a fun.

The best time to visit is afternoon and evening.

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En respuesta a hornyboybg (Mostrar el comentario)

Are there a lot of gypsies there?


Are there a lot of gypsies there?


Някой ходи ли там преди обяд?

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