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  7. Cruising en Hagerstown
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  9. YMCA



Adult over 21 men's locker room with steam room, sauna, and showers. Lots of married bi men cruise here. Mostly bj or j/o.

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Was just here a few months ago, got a little bit of action in the showers.

Recommend going late on week days (7-9pm).

About 5 open shower heads and 4 stalls with curtains. If you want action I recommend picking an open shower or leaving the curtain open. 99% of people use stalls with curtains sadly, but you may find the odd one out.


I was there once and there are tons of gay guys who go there, young and old! Usually if your in there just make some eye contact with a guy and start moving your hand odly, if they do the same it’s basically like consent there. A ton of gay younger guys in the gym too. Around 7-9 pm. Just follow them some and if they go to the bathroom after some eye contact see if they want it.


Anyone had fun here?

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Hagerstown, Maryland, Estados Unidos
1.3 km

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Hagerstown, Maryland, Estados Unidos
9.3 km
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