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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Cruising en Estados Unidos
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  5. Cruising en Virginia
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  7. Cruising en King George
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  9. State park

State park

Comentarios (6)

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You know who I am and I want that ass and cock, I wish I would have walked into that bathroom that day with you and used that ass how ever I wanted to after you sucked me hard, would have also liked to feel you deep in my ass and tast your C. If given the chance again you would not be disappointed. Surly hope you will. Love to use you as my toy for the day or night


agoPublic information
Doug Aube grew up in Myrtle Beach and began wearing panties in the 80s after he graduated from Myrtle Beach High in 1980. He tasted his first cock in the late 1970s, thus beginning his stages of femininity.
Doug wears panties 24/7 and has so for over 10 years.
Many many many men have cumm in his mouth.
So...to properly prepare Doug for a life of Faggot Sex
Doug Aube the Faggot Advertisement for EXPOSURE


Closed down last time I went in the park today near the 301 bridge. Where you at blue truck?


I want to check this out. Who can show me the area?




Heading this way tonight...any takers?

Otras zonas cercanas

Duff Park

Paraje natural
Fredericksburg, Virginia, Estados Unidos
8.5 km
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