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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Cruising en Chipre
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  5. Cruising en Limassol
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  7. Cruising en Limassol
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  9. Sodap old wine factory

Sodap old wine factory

Polígono Industrial

  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Alta
  • Intimidad: Alta

It's the newest of all the places for cruising at Limassol. The cruising is taking place inside the old factory on the uper part (not close to the sea) of it... lots of spots to hide and have fun. Many times lots of 3somes and grup fun.

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Nothing happening here anymore, being renovated. If you are facing the sea, about 100 metres on the left is another parking area, some guys hang out there now but not much privacy


Where do people go to meet others there guys? No matter how many times I go there I don’t see anyone!


The bottom part has been closed off. Is anything still happening at the top part. Seems to be a lot of people around?


it has a good place closer to Lidl opposite of the water museum and Centre of water it is like a empty spice name of the street Akropoleos.I have a romeo account for chat the same name as in here.


Anyone have here today?

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