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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Cruising en Bulgaria
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  5. Cruising en Blagoevgrad
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  7. Cruising en Sandanski
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  9. Sandanski Park

Sandanski Park


  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Media
  • Intimidad: Media

Between the two swinging bridges near the cage with the peacocks there is a restroom where you can get action.

Another restroom is the one by the summer theatre up the alley (you walk up and you see a fountain to your left. Right across it, it is a bit below eye sight. Many Greeks and locals go there.

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Both toilets are great - clean, quiet and discreet. Only problem - no cruising whatsoever. But then again, if there was too much activity there, the local council would have shut them down by now, as has been the case with several cruisy public toilets in Sofia.
From what I've heard, the thermal baths "Sveti Vrach" on the main thoroughfare (next to Interhotel Sandanski), are apparently quite cruisy on the weekend, but I've never been there myself, so I cannot confirm these reports.

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