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  9. I 5 Vista Point

I 5 Vista Point

Área de descanso

  • Horario: Noche
  • Afluencia: Media
  • Intimidad: Alta

I 5 Vista Point. Great spot young to old. Always someone wanting to have fun.

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Warm nights in the summer are best. I have seen several people walking around naked sucking and fucking.


I have passed by the exit many times all wondered if it was a safe place to stop.After reading the post here i will stop in next time in the area thanks for the information.


I’ve been stopping at this rest area late at night on either side..north bound and south bound for 22yrs when traveling from LA to Bay Area which is a lot. I’ve hooked up with so many truckers and travelers up here over the years...best times I think is like 11pm through 5am...no real view, so mostly just guys looking to play, or sleep.


I’m too new to this to know what’s going on. Under the trees? I guess I will come back at night.

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