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  7. Cruising en Kelenföld
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  9. ETELE


Zona comercial

  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Media
  • Intimidad: Media

In Etele Plaza, there is a men's bathroom on the top level of the underground garage (P-1 level). Between the Müller and CCC, take the escalator down in the middle and go towards the pet store to the men's bathroom. Cruising guys are common in the bathroom, and if you turn right at the booths, at the very end on the right, inside the wall of the two bathrooms, there is a hole where you can peek in, there may be guys waiting to play therea.

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The hole is blocked sadly. Do you have idea how to clear it? Or any idea for a jerk party?


I jerked off with an older guy in the last stall. The place is too busy for a more serious action, I fear.


I am checking the place today around 4:15 PM

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