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  5. Cruising en Port of Spain
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  7. Cruising en Port of Spain
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  9. City Gate Washroom

City Gate Washroom

Estación de transportes

  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Media
  • Intimidad: Media

Interested guys linger in and around stalls, enclosed stalls with privacy available once finding someone.

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Comentarios (41)

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Place is an absolute bust now! Toilet used to be free, not requires a chit and has guards. Also half or more of the stalls are either locked from the outside or broken.


QPS is the best right now

En respuesta a isthisvalid (Mostrar el comentario)

I miss the good old days when city gate used to have cruising going on non-stop.

Are there any other high traffic spots in tnt? Or is cruising officially dead?


Yeah man I miss that place. Good times

En respuesta a isthisvalid (Mostrar el comentario)

I miss the good old days when city gate used to have cruising going on non-stop.

Are there any other high traffic spots in tnt? Or is cruising officially dead?


I miss the good old days when city gate used to have cruising going on non-stop.

Are there any other high traffic spots in tnt? Or is cruising officially dead?


Here is only good if it's an arranged meet up now.


Does anyone know the name of the gay guy who does be shouting loud at city gate in port of spain?


I am sure the washroom still looking beat down with the smelly urinals ,one missing and most of them stalls stink .I'm sure it's not even clean and upkeeping still but charging $2 SMH


Guess what. Now you have to PAY to use the washroom and you have to buy TICKETS !!!

I haven't been cruising in months. But I just go to use the place for it's intended purpose.

But it's really souring to have to pay $2 dred. I'm just pissed off in general now.


Who here ?


Who here today

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