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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Cruising en Georgia
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  5. Cruising en Georgia
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  7. Cruising en Tbilisi
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  9. Circus



  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Alta
  • Intimidad: Alta

Guys cruise on the stairs to the Circus and on the path ways leading to the forest around the circus when you climb to building. At night and during the days. You will see a lot of used condoms.

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Best time probably is night but I've seen people having fun here even during the day.
So far my favourite cruising spot in Tbilisi


As everywhere in newly estsblished "democracies" that start to follow western model forst victims of newly formed so called "gay rights" are that they tend to absolutely destroy gay cruising places. No wonder that now they have suddenly put light to the stairs leading to Circus that were not existing in more then 40 years and suddently you also have cameras. Why do you need them and can someone come there and just brake all of them please as soon as possible!!


Perfect place for some sleazy kinky fun

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Área de descanso
Tbilisi, Georgia, Georgia
2.8 km
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