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  7. Cruising en Aalborg
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  9. Aalborg Horse Race Track

Aalborg Horse Race Track


  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Baja
  • Intimidad: Media

It used to be very active until a few years ago. But there is still occasionally some action in the bushes between Skydebanevej and the Horse Race Track. Best around 12 and 16 o´clock local time and sometimes in the evening after 21.

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Hej jeg kommer meget gerne forbi travbanen kommer der hver formiddag ved 09 tiden


No Action anymore, unfortunately. In the past it was the best location in Aalborg. Now the action has moved to Kystvejen, 5-6 km. north of Aalborg. However, there is still a nice spot at the Horse Race Track where it´s possible to have sex. So you can still have sex there. But you have to make a date with a guy first, because nobody will show up there without a date.

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Aalborg, Nordjylland, Dinamarca
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Aalborg, Nordjylland, Dinamarca
6.0 km


Paraje natural
Aalborg, Nordjylland, Dinamarca
6.3 km


Área de descanso
Aalborg, Nordjylland, Dinamarca
6.8 km
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