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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  3. Gay Cruising in Puerto Rico
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  5. Gay Cruising in Puerto Rico
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  7. Gay Cruising in San Juan
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  9. Parque Dr. José Narciso Gándara Cartagena

Parque Dr. José Narciso Gándara Cartagena


  • Hours: Daylong
  • Influx: High
  • Privacy: High

This park is highly active. All cruising from parked cars, guys leave drivers door ajar. Check each other out. Those with more confidence will walk park. Best to go towards the underpass area where tall grasses and bushes have a maze of trails. Very exciting and active. Young and old. Be polite and not aggressive in seeking action. Old to mid 30's to 40's. Be smart, Be safe. Parking along park. Usually filled.

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