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  9. Aire de repos de Vieilles étables - RN 10

Aire de repos de Vieilles étables - RN 10

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  • Horario: Todo el día
  • Afluencia: Baja
  • Intimidad: Media

Aire de repos de Vieilles étables - RN 10 à Vivonne.

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Comentarios (8)

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Camionero doy de mamar esta noche.Estoy centro rutier Les Mais .


Here in my truck



En respuesta a cd4u2 (Mostrar el comentario)

I've been fucked a few times here, always call in on my way to Spain or back to UK Northbound Aire is the best and its easy to cross over. Action happens in the woods to the right not where the cars are parked, also sometimes in the toilets which are open 24hrs


Qui serait présent se soir


Hi. Anybody here.? I am here by my truck to the monday. Any trans or something? 🙂🍻🍻🙂


Si tu es chaud pour demain jeudi 23 septembre 2020 en début de soirée et nuit alors consulte mon profil pour en savoir plus 😉


I've been fucked a few times here, always call in on my way to Spain or back to UK Northbound Aire is the best and its easy to cross over. Action happens in the woods to the right not where the cars are parked, also sometimes in the toilets which are open 24hrs


also couples , I was there and have sex with couple , husband bi , I fuck him too !

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