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  1. Gays-Cruising
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  5. Gay Cruising in Hérault
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  7. Gay Cruising in La Grande Motte
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  9. Playa Grand Travers

Playa Grand Travers

Natural area

  • Hours: Daylong
  • Influx: Medium
  • Privacy: High

A la altura de las playas 66 y 67 del otro lado del parqueo hay un pinar. Oficialmente es un terreno dedicado a la cacería. Hay gente a todas horas.

At the height of the beaches 66 and 67 on the other side of the park there is a pine forest. Officially it is a land dedicated to the hunt. There are people at all hours.

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Lieux fermé depuis le 03 /04/2021 accès interdit contrôle de flics frequent et contraventions salée. La guerre aux pds est déclaré

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